Lower Your Electric Bill! Air Conditioning Tips Explained.

As a company based in West Michigan, we understand the pain that comes with high utility cost. Below, are some tips to save energy and lower utility usage.

Having a programmable thermostat 

  • Set custom occupied/unoccupied temperatures to save when away from home or business. 

Staying up to date on filter replacements

  • Ensures clean and efficient air distribution throughout your home or business. 

Having updated and efficient equipment

The age/condition/efficiency of your equipment greatly determines how high your utility bills cost. 

  • Most older equipment is only 80% efficient. Meaning out of every dollar you put in, you only get 80 cents of heat. 
  • Most newer equipment have reached 96% efficiency or better!

Switching to a tankless water heater

Typical water heaters keep a tank of water hot until you need to use it. A “tankless”, water heater is a great alternative to this, as water is heated on demand. 

Changing from tank to tankless water heaters will typically save 75% on heated water costs. 

  • Customers usually see a full ROI within 5 years.