Concept Mechanical

Reliable HVAC services for all of West Michigan.

Michigan’s climate can be challenging at times. Because of this, our HVAC equipment must withstand whatever mother nature has to offer. At Concept Mechanical, we make that happen.

Not sure what you need? That’s ok! Let us figure that out for you.

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Lower Your Electric Bill! Air Conditioning Tips Explained.
As a company based in West Michigan, we understand the pain that comes with high utility cost. Below, are some tips to save energy and lower utility usage. Having a programmable thermostat  Set custom occupied/unoccupied temperatures to save when away from home or business.  …
Air Quality. Why is it Important?
Air quality is not something that is placed up high on the list, but as you’ll see in the points made below, improving your air quality can greatly improve your quality of life. Filters Number 1 thing to do to ensure air quality is …